Thursday, October 25, 2007

Burnt toast!

So this is my first blog ever... i think this is the blog where i introduce myself and tell the few readers that will read this whats going on in my life. Hello i am Josh Wilson, and i just moved to Orlando Florida. i have a roommate named Barry, who i meet during the summer, and we have no food in our house. The other day i wanted a grilled cheese and we didn’t have any butter so i decided to try and grill it anyway... it didn’t work out too good. So yeah, i guess i took a lot of things for granted when i lived at home with the parents, such as cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, cleaning the house, PAYING THE BILLS! That last one was the most shocking.

The new city is pretty shocking as well. Im just not use to not knowing where everything is. I've lived in Albany Georgia with my parents for the 22 years of my existence so familiar is all I’ve ever really known. But i am super excited about this move, its just going to take a little while to get use to the area.

The reason i moved down here from the GA is because I got a job as a worship pastor at C3 church and its really awesome. I was in a band called Riverdale and we were together for about nine or ten years. I meet Byron (pastor of c3) about a year ago when he spoke at a revival at my church in Leesburg, Ga. This past summer he spoke at two different camps that we played at and there i got a chance to really get to know Byron and the vision God has given him for C3 church. I am super excited about all that is going on at c3 and I honestly love the authenticity of the members of c3. When I walked into c3 for the first time I truly felt like everyone was being real, as apposed to the churchy, stuffiness that is felt in most churches today.

1 comment:

Monica Hunt said...

Hey bud I have all the answers you need right here!

It's Matt not Monica. I had to use her account.