Sunday, November 4, 2007

Highlights from the weekend!

OK, If anyone gets a chance to go see a band called mute math, please go. It was one of the most energetic and tight concerts I've ever been to.

I got to hang out with some of my friends from back in Georgia , they came down for the mute math show, and we had such a good time. God has blessed me with so many amazing friends.

Church this morning was amazing. I really think everyone within an hour driving distance should have been there, and should be there every week. We had a guy named Eric come in and just have a conversation with Byron about homosexuality. Eric was a homosexual for about ten years and then one day he got saved and was extremely convicted about his lifestyle and God radically changed his life. Now he is married and has a kid and is living the life God has created him to live and is happier now than ever. God wants us to have life to the fullest, and when we are happy i believe that it brings Him great joy.

God hates sin because it hurts us.

We should stop focusing on what we shouldn't do and start focusing on pursuing Christ through reading His word and prayer, then holiness will follow.

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